The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Rising Above Disruption - MTP193



For those of us who live what I call 'The Suburban Sleepwalk', the present COVID-19 pandemic has represented one of the most profound challenges of our lifetime. We can't just watch this unfold on television...we're LIVING it. Obviously, having our proverbial 'cheese moved' is inherently painful, especially when our relationships and our very livelihood are disrupted. Even though such disruption feels like an imminent threat, how do we not only survive but thrive in context? What if instead of losing our sense of humor we found it? How can we turn lemons into lemonade? And does having our world shaken up quite literally challenge us to reevaluate what is important and valuable to us? Meanwhile, were the survival and preparedness guys really on to something here? What can we expect to be different in our lives--and in the world writ large--once the 'all clear' signal is given? Can we look forward to a kinder, friendlier and perhaps even cleaner world to live in, or will people simply revert back to their respe