Incarnation Tallahassee

Synod 2019 : Human Sexuality and the Image of God



Human beings are made in the image of God. This is foundational to understanding human nature, behavior, and even sexuality. However, because of the Fall this image is broken; none alive has escaped its debilitating effect on self-perception and even behavior. What is more, God so loves us that in Christ he took on flesh to make for us a new way being human. While there are many ethical implications to be considered regarding our views on sexuality, this session focused thinking theologically about human sexuality and on pastoral strategies with youth and young adults, struggling with sexual identity and the pain of brokenness. It offers an overview of responses to some of the current cultural trends such as LGBTQ issues. Rev. Jack Gabig PhD | November 7, 2019 We're Incarnation Tallahassee and our weekly Sunday Worship is at 10am at 1609 Branch Street at the Family Worship & Praise Center building. We hope to see you there!