Jiu-jitsu Times

Exposing Fake Martial Arts With McDojo Life



STARLORD OUTSIDE HEELHOOK DVD: https://www.starlordbjj.tv/offers/J2v7M9oz/checkout No Judges Needed: (Promo Code JJT) https://www.nojudgesneeded.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwpNr4BRDYARIsAADIx9zRE8nWE9XfJRW23PSVGKhIrcPksA3_W8MMg05YviZo8pu5tLR6540aAmQFEALw_wcB Lavender Lane CBD: (Promo Code JJTIMES20) https://www.lavenderlanemi.com/store/c9/CBD___Lavender.html#/ As fakes, frauds and phonies continue to infect the world of martial arts, a select few stand against the tide of corruption. On the McDojoLife Instagram page, people from all walks of life are exposed to how deceptive some martial arts disciplines can be. Today, we welcome McdojoLife's founder Rob to discuss what makes a mcdojo, his martial arts journey and his upcoming documentary. Enjoy!