Positive On Publishing Podcast

POP029: Transform Your Life Through Your Writing with Azul Terronez



Azul is a teacher at heart and loves to share what he has learned with others. Azul has coached seasoned writers like Pat Flynn, of Smart Passive Income, and Dana Malstaff, of Boss-Mom.com, to find their book ideas and execute well. When Azul is not writing or coaching other authors, he can be found relaxing in a yoga class or obsessing over tiny houses on Pinterest or just enjoying our family’s cute dogs, Scooter and Oliver. Here are the fun nuggets from the interview: Fun nugget #1: Start with the WHY for yourself: authority, money, expertise (imagine the book in your hands and what it does for YOU). Finding this ‘why’ might take a series of asking yourself “why” until you reach the core. Fun nugget #2:  The writing process is more about extraction than adding any content. Fun nugget #3:  Write — not edit, not think! Fun nugget #4: Don’t let the GUNK get into your way (your other agenda: your doubts, your voices, the judgement). Fun nugget #5:  Everyone has their own preferred accountability structure, but