Love God Love One Another

Out of Many, One - Where Do I Fit?



Last fall, many of you shared in Messiah's Fall Small Group and Message Series - Fit to be a Disciple. You learned about the skills and tools of being a disciple and follower of Jesus, and you learned that no matter who you are, where you're from, or how long you've been a Christian—you are FIT to be a disciple! Now as we begin 2017, we'll take those skills of discipleship and move them into Christian community. Where do you FIT? Where do I FIT? How can you work with others to follow Jesus and love God and one another? We'll begin exploring that this week, with a 4-week message series that unwraps 1 Corinthians 12:12-31, understanding what it means to be a disciple AND be part of the Body of Christ here at Messiah.