

Welcome to the premiere episode of Talking Vegas. It’s a new kind of Las Vegas podcast. This isn’t a show where I’m going to sit around in my basement or some empty studio somewhere and tell you what’s going on in Vegas. I live in Vegas. So, I’m going to be out and about in the city, spending time at cool Las Vegas places and talking with interesting people. I think you’re going to like it.  Today, we’re dropping by the Mob Museum downtown and talking with their director of content, Geoff Schumacher. Now, it’s no secret that Las Vegas has a colorful history and many stories to tell about organized crime in the city. If you’ve ever seen movies like Bugsy with Warren Beatty or Martin Scorsese’s Casino, you might think you know a little bit about Las Vegas’s mob history. But those are just movies. And they occasionally take liberties with the facts and romanticize them. The Mob Museum is here to set the record straight, not just about Las Vegas mob history, but also the history of organized crime in America. In