Simpleflight Radio

Time To Hangar Fly, February 18, 2018



It's time to do some hangar flying.  Listen in and catch Rhonda, Marc, and Joby talk about the importance of debriefing each flight, checking experience, age, and ego at the door.  The Blue Angles, set the standard by which all debriefs should be measured.  Maybe we don't have to be as in depth, but philosophically, there should be no difference.  Check out this link to see it in action.  The debrief Is only the first step.  Incorporating what was learned into follow on flights completes the value.  And flying with people who bring different perspectives to the cockpit, completes the picture.  Marc talked about his flight with ATC, who not only critiqued his radio work, but also commented on how hard it was to see traffic.  Good learning for all. And no hangar flying sessions would be complete without a little window shopping.  Rhonda continues to move forward in her aircraft purchase process, coming a bit closer to the goal.  What do you think she'll buy?  Soun