Simpleflight Radio

Did You Hear The One About...., February 25, 2018



In this day and age, we can certainly use a bit of humor.  As a matter of fact, anything that makes us smile is a good thing.  For example, AVIATION.  So what could be better than Aviation humor.  Maybe nothing, as Rhonda and Marc found out spending the evening with Dave Lombardo.  We know you'll agree that Dave is proof positive that flying and fun go together. As one of the founding members of the aviation-themed social media brand, "ATC Memes" (, David combines his experience and skill in both aviation and audio to create a unique brand of aviation satire and humor.   The acceptance is noted by the popularity of the brand with both aviation professionals and enthusiasts alike. Speaking of brand, Dave and his co-founders have built quite the following with their aviation swag and apparel.  Check it out at  Listen in and have a bit of fun yourself.  ​​​                                   =============== ​We hope you enjoy listening as much as we love talking to others who share