Simpleflight Radio

Pathways to Aviation Success, September 2, 2018



In the spirit of "bringing the band back together again", Al Waterloo joined Marc in the studio for this week's show.  The great news is that this is not a "one and done" event.  Al and Marc have been working behind the scenes to put together a long term plan to deliver value for our listeners.  It starts with fanning the flames of our listeners passion for aviation, by connecting them to the people and things that bring aviation to life.  So tonight Marc and Al launch SimpleFlight 2.7.  Why not SimpleFlight 3.0; read on to find out more. Joined by repeat guest, Tim Rylko, Marc and Al explored the unusual path Tim took to achieve his dream of flying for the airlines.  As you may recall, Al was with the airlines and has been on multi-step journey to achieve his success as a Regional Sales Director for Cirrus Aircraft.  Different paths, different end games, but both have been successful.  What can we learn from their stories?  What were the risks?  What tough decisions stood in their path?  All great questions