Ten Words




    "Buy Less. Choose Well. Make it Last. Quality Not Quantity".   In this extended bank holiday edition we chat about the Dame of British Fashion, the lady responsible for founding the punk movement who believes that fashion really can change the world.   Conscious to not turn this episode into just 'another' biography about one of fashions most loved characters, I look behind the scenes at the ten word slogans which made Vivienne famous and built her brand. I share the finest advice I've ever received in business, talk about why her words are so important to me and more importantly, what they might mean for you. I also explain why Vivienne designs her clothes as "stories" and reveal her ideal reading list for any freedom fighters wanting to follow in her footsteps.   This one is a beefy 75 minutes but I didn't want to cut anything out - so I'll leave you to enjoy as much or as little as you like. It was a lot of fun to record. I hope you enjoy it! Jeremy   Show Links: Vivienne's Get a Life Website Westwoo