Ten Words




  "A good human plus a machine is the best combination".   Garry Kasparov is a former World Chess Champion, writer, and political activist. He is widely regarded as the greatest chess player of all time, but it was his famous matches against the IBM super-computer Deep Blue in 1996-97 where he wrote his name into history and brought conversations around artificial intelligence, and chess, into the mainstream. Garry is a 'beautiful mind' who believes that we should make decisions with our hearts and that normal people, using good tools, can achieve remarkable things.   "If you don't take risks you don't drink champagne".   In this episode we look deeper into Garry's 'ten words' by analysing one of his greatest presentations ~ his TED Talk from April 2017. By looking at the way that he structures his talk, we can begin to understand what makes him so unique, not just as a chess player, but as a storyteller. Doing something I've not done before, I hope you enjoy this "live" behind the scenes look at his present