Ten Words




"You can change the world just by sharing your story".   What started out as a bit of fun earlier this year has taken on a life of its own. Around 20,000 people now listen to the Ten Words podcast each week, to look behind the scenes and who said what and why.   So in this episode, I review the story so far and pick my highlights from the first 20 episodes, featuring poets, pastors, strippers, celebrities, politicians, scientists and storytellers. I hope you enjoy it.   Thank you SO much for joining me on the journey so far. I can't wait to see where we go next!   Ep. 1 PILOT ~ "You can change the world just by telling your story". Ep. 2 BARACK OBAMA ~ "Fired Up? Ready to go". x2 Ep. 3 VIVIENNE WESTWOOD ~ "Buy less. Choose well. Make it last. Quality not quantity". Ep. 4 CEDRIC VILLANI ~ "To achieve good results work all night and eat soup". Ep. 5 ELLEN ~ "It's failure that gives you the proper perspective on success". Ep. 6 GARRY KASPAROV ~ "A good human plus a machine is the best combination". Ep. 7 J.K.