My Big Story With Christopher Swan

Inspiring Young People to Make a Difference, One Lawn at a Time with Rodney Smith, Jr.



When Rodney Smith, Jr. spots someone in need, he jumps into action. There's no question, doubt, or debate. He just does the work to help them—and he's now rallying others to help communities across the United States. Rodney, a native of Bermuda, started Raising Men Lawn Care Service, an organization that provides free yard services to elders, people with disabilities, veterans, and single-parent mothers. The service matches up youth in local communities with people in need of service. This two-way impact helps children become a positive part of the community learning social skills and giving back, and the recipients receive assistance with maintaining their yards. This service and the positive news of Rodney's work has spread across the US (and multiple countries too!) and continues to grow, with local chapters, and children signing up for the 50 Yard Challenge. In addition, Rodney brings his family (his name for his thriving and very engaged online community) together to help other members of his local co