Awesome Astronomy

Sky Guide June 2017



What to look out, and up, for in June. Jeni returns from astronomy research in South Africa so the gang’s back together to pick their highlights for this month’s skies; starting with the planets on offer to observers and imagers: Ralph – Saturn reaches opposition this month and coincides with a nearby meteor shower Jeni – Jupiter in prime viewing conditions with some lovely Galilean transits Paul – We still have comet C/2015 V2 Johnson in the skies for a nice alternative distraction Next up, we take a deep sky pick from our list of favourites for this time of year: Ralph – The Double Double binary Alpha Lyrae Jeni - The Whirlpool Galaxy Messier 51 Paul – Globular Clusters Messiers 10 & 12 in Ophiuchus And we finish this sky guide with June’s moon phases.