Hannah And Matt Know It All

#16: Hannah and Matt Pervade Your Fantasies



Hannah and Matt tackle questions from some of their favorite advice sources from the week of April 16th, 2017 and beyond, including:  Dear Prudence: "Is My Friend Really Queer?"; S-Town; Savage Love: "Dick Monsters"; Dear Kiki: "I Can’t Get My Mind off of the Speaker of the House"; Little Village Mag; Daily Mail: "Revealed at last: The picture of shirtless Paul Ryan that proves Romney's running mate really IS an action man"; r/relationship_advice: "My wife's (28/f) boyfriend (20/m) just told me he thinks buying videogames is stupid, as you can always pirate them."; r/polyamory; Listener Not Helen Lovejoy: "Should I Intervene on a Panhandler Exploiting Their Child?" Helen Lovejoy; Submit your favorite questions or questions you may have for the podcast to hanandmattknowitall@gmail.com, anonymously at bit.ly/askhanandmatt, or to askahelpinghan@gmail.com for a Han-only written answer on hanandmattknowitall.com. Looking to support us? Desperately in need of a fantastical alter-ego? You can become a