Hannah And Matt Know It All

Opinion Overflow #1: "Am I Too Critical of My Friends' Favorite Media?"



We have too many opinions to keep to ourselves! That is, we have too many questions and we'd like to answer more of them, so that's why you're getting Opinion Overflow. Whether you want it or not.  Listener Esmerelda asks: "This was inspired by your February episode where you discussed the problem of people foisting books upon you, and in particular, Hannah's very particular taste and the etiquette issues that arise when they don't care for something their friend or acquaintance loves. My problem: sometimes, when I don't enjoy a piece of media, or it's just not working for me, I tweet about it, sort of thinking aloud about why it's not working. I try to steer clear of blanket statements like, "Well, it's just OBVIOUSLY bad!" but sometimes that is my conclusion. That part's fine. The problem arises when my real life friends behave as if I'm disliking media AT THEM. For example, "Jane" very much enjoyed Superhero Show X, but I thought it was kind of lazy in its writing, and spent a few weeks tweeting about the