Hannah And Matt Know It All

Opinion Overflow #6: "How Do I Stop Coworkers From Asking Me Details About My Upcoming Major Surgery?"



We have too many opinions to keep to ourselves! That is, we have too many questions and we'd like to answer more of them, so that's why you're getting Opinion Overflow. Whether you want it or not. Listener Zelda asks: I am being urged by a couple of physicians to have a mastectomy/reconstruction even though I do not have cancer because my mother had breast cancer very young and is no longer with us. I carry the BRCA2 mutation so my odds are pretty good for getting it. Also, my younger sister just got the news that her most recent mammogram is showing something that is "most likely cancer" and is going to have a biopsy. I have looked into the surgery and found a doctor that a friend went to and I feel comfortable with him. I've seen his before/after photos and that set my mind so at ease. I'm thinking of doing this within the calendar year, but my question is how to address this at work. I will need to take about four weeks off. I work in a school and I will have the sick time that I need for recovery. I'm tal