Hannah And Matt Know It All

#67: Han and Matt Answer Queer Queries (Ft. Kristin Russo)



Han and Matt interviewed the extremely qualified Kristin Russo for the Monday episode and tackled listener queeries on bisexuality, asexuality, presenting queer, and more!: Kristin Russo My Kid Is Gay Everyone Is Gay Kristin on Autostraddle Buffering the Vampire Slayer Kristin on Twitter We Exist Beyond the Binary Listener Simon, Leaver of Expensive Thermoses on Public Transit: "How Do I Respond to People Who Are Hellbent on Erasing My Bi Identity?" Listener The Invisible Bi: "How Do I Dress Queer So That My Bisexuality Isn't Invisible?" Listener Decidedly Anonymous: "Who Should I Come Out to In My Family, and How?" Listener Ursial the Cyclone: "How Do I Come Out as Asexual and Aromantic to My Mother, Who Wants Grandkids?" PBS' First Person on Asexuality Listener Pissed Off Trans Lesbian: "Should I Invite My Probably Transphobic Uncle to My Wedding?" Listener Mary, Veiled Reckoner: "What's the Best Non-Gendered Honorific to Use When Addressing Strangers?" BONUS: 'Assigned Male' Comic: A Trans Resource