Hannah And Matt Know It All

#71: Han and Matt Hoard Their Apps



Han and Matt tackle questions from some of their favorite advice sources from the week of May 13th, 2018, and beyond, including: Ask a Manager: "My Boss Gave All the Women Flowers for Mother's Day" Interpersonal Skills: "How to enforce a "No Shoes" policy in my apartment?" Swipe This!: "How do I get away with refollowing a friend I unfollowed when I was upset?" Sense & Sensitivity: "Friend Might Be Gay" College Humor: "Honest Interracial Date" Let Us Sex-plain: "My Boyfriend Still Has Dating Apps" Listener Kairluma, the Wonder of Haraka: "I'm Wearing a Bridal Party Dress That I Don't Like; Can I Change Into a Different One For the Reception?" Listener The Nameless One: "On Bodies, Weddings, and Chronic Illness (The POWER TRIO)" BONUS: Shoutout to Social Q's: "'It's Not My Fault I'm White.' Sure, but That's Not the Point." BONUS: Shoutout to Alison Green on Dear Wendy: "Five Questions with Alison Green of 'Ask a Manager'" BONUS: Shoutout to Ask a Manager: "The 18-Month Coffee Debate, and Other Stories