Hannah And Matt Know It All

#82: Han and Matt Proceed With Caution



Han and Matt tackle questions entirely from listeners in this special episode, including: Listener The Blissful Nether Lich: "Where Do We Draw the Line for Throwing Out the Whole Historical Figure?" New York Times: "Prestigious Laura Ingalls Wilder Award Renamed Over Racial Insensitivity" Slate: "The Far Right’s Pedophilia Smear Campaign Is Working" Ravishly: "How To Love Something And Also Hold It Accountable, From My Favorite Murder's Biggest Fan" Wil Williams on Parasocial Relationships Listener The Awful Anaconda: "I Work With a Known Predator and No One Will Kick the Motherfucker Out" New York Times: "Catholic Priests Abused 1,000 Children in Pennsylvania, Report Says" Listener Sorrowfang: "Should I Get Married Quicker Than I'm Comfortable with so My Partner Can Get a Visa?" Listener The Electric Bone Scorpion: "My Sister Won't Tell Me Whether or Not She's Coming to my Wedding" SPONSOR: Podigy: The podcast editing service we partner proudly with! Listener The Bronze Leviathan: "How Do I Deflect G