Hannah And Matt Know It All

BONUS: West Coast Meetup Details



Greetings, Hamkittens! Long time no see. But soon, we will be on the West Coast for our two-week vacation and coming to a bar near you! Check out all the details below, RSVP on Facebook, and we might even wow you by knowing your name before you even introduce yourself. Whoooaaaa! HAMKIA Bay Area Meetup Sunday, May 19, 5-7 PM The Golden Squirrel in Oakland, California HAMKIA Portland Meetup! Monday, May 27, 6-8 PM Bye & Bye in Portland, Oregon HAMKIA Seattle Meetup! Thursday, May 30, 6-8 PM Optimism Brewing Company in Seattle, Washington   And yes, things are still very hectic in Matt-land. We're taking a break while work chaos settles, but we do have at least one (guest!) episode planned for June. Stay tuned. Submit your favorite questions or questions you may have for the podcast to hanandmattknowitall@gmail.com, anonymously at bit.ly/askhanandmatt, or to askahelpinghan@gmail.com for a Han-only written answer on hanandmattknowitall.com. Looking to support us? Desperately in need of a fa