First Baptist Church - Madison, Wi

Where Joy and Sorrow Meet



On this Palm Sunday, Pastor Tim preaches on two contrasting stories - the Palm text which features the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and the Passion text which foreshadows the crucifixion of Jesus and the final days of Jesus' life.  As Christians we are called to deal with the good and the bad. We can't have the Palm Sunday experience without the Passion Sunday experience; we can't have the resurrection without the crucifixion.  The two are inextricably linked. Two important lessons for us as a community of faith - first, we should appreciate both the good and the bad in life - the highs and the lows. Second, we have to focus simultaneously on personal acts of kindness towards each other and public care for those who are struggling. As Christians we have to learn to live in that space of tension where joy and sorrow meet. The sermon text is Mark 11:1-11; the reading of the scripture is included in the podcast. The Rev. Tim schaefer, pastor, preaching.