Profitable Farmer

Episode 65 - Making an impact and leaving a legacy in your lifetime



During my business and entrepreneurship journey, I have been lucky enough to study with and learn from some incredible minds. Through Marshall Thurber, and his ‘Money & You’ course, I have been introduced to the truly profound business thinkings of both W Edward Deming and Buckminster Fuller. In this episode, and as we collectively set down our plans and priorities for the new year, I share some of the most compelling entrepreneurial philosophies and principles pioneered by the great ‘Bucky’ Fuller! In this conversation we explore: why goal-setting is so important why being in motion towards your goal is more important than the goal itself! why trying to ‘find your purpose’ isn’t it! why selfless goals & objectives are so much more impactful why adding value into the lives of others is so very important, for you and them! how the setting up of your plans to achieve your goals increases the likelihood of their attainment why regular reconnection with your goals is imperative, for you, your fam