Profitable Farmer

Episode 72 - Burnout



Our work ethic is legendary. No question.   Our ability to handle volatility, variability, risk, genuine adversity, constant change, and daily corrections is to be truly admired.   Equally, business ownership AND farming can be a lonely place.   Many of us have been here – playing full tilt, often without regular breaks for years.   It is no wonder so many of us, over time, become tired, stressed, overwhelmed, and fatigued.   Ladies & gentleman, BURNOUT in business is a very real thing!   Many of us are so entrenched in the busyness of our farms and lives that we don’t stop to check-in, or even acknowledge it.   Let me be clear: burnout is the single biggest reason for small business failure GLOBALLY. It is why only 6% of businesses that start do not get to celebrate their tenth birthday.   Where are you in relation to burning out?   I have been there – and it’s not much fun.   In this important podcast, Farm Owners Academy’s Head Coach and Personal Development Guru, Tracy Secombe, and