Profitable Farmer

Episode 73 - Navigating a CRAZY Global Economy and WINNING!!!



Every six months, I like to check in with Terry Tran, our resident investment specialist and founder of the Freedom Trader, to get his insights into the global marketplace, our local economy and investing in the equity market and off-farm.   In this interview, we explore: the global economy given the ongoing pandemic; the impact that significant government intervention might have; what we might expect in terms of inflation, interest rates and economic recovery; Terry’s investment philosophy; and, his recent client and personal investment results.   We also explore Terry's passion for teaching farming families how to become competent, disciplined and successful investors in an ever-volatile and often unpredictable economic environment.   An essential component of running a successful farming business involves diversifying your asset-base, cashflows and wealth off-farm. Successful intergenerational change and creating meaningful legacies for future generations often depend on this. Terry reminds us