The Classic Lenses Podcast

#134 I Mentioned Indiana, But I Think I Got Away With It...



Well we’ve had a three week break and it’s done us the world of good. We’re more relaxed and less opinionated than ever. A mountain of quality emails helps us to gently ease ourselves back into the swing of things with topics including Speed Panchros, Summarits, fake sharpness, a zoom lens, Jeremy North on the Mamiya C330 and other things. On another note, if you’re a thin-skinned Missourian, Hoosier, Wisconsinite or French, you may want to skip this week’s show. ________ LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
 Pobean | iTunes | Stitcher  ________ NOTES Beauty Camera Company Here's why you'll never find Chinese takeout boxes in China Frito Pie Rivals on all borders of Badger State You Know You're From Michigan When... Kladiana Missouri: The Show Me State Wisconsin: Racist by Default French people ________ TAGS #CLP134 #Biokar #BeautyCameraCo #FritoPie #ChopSuey #Klandiana #Cheeseheads #Frogs ________ SUPPORT THE PODCAST
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