Google Partners

#20 - Transparency with your partners, prospects and team, with Greg Poirier



The way in which we communicate and share information with our staff can be very revealing about a person, their management style and their industry. Consider how often have you found yourself leaving a leadership meeting and asking “how much should I share with my staff?”. It’s a good and important question, and there is no wrong answer – everybody’s situation is different and some people have constraints to operate within that are outside of their control. But when it comes to transparency around company strategy, the question remains: how much, and what, do you share with your partners, prospects and team? Greg Poirier, Founder & CEO, CloudKettle Greg Poirier is president of CloudKettle, a tech-sector focused digital marketing consultancy company that specializes in scaling Sales, Marketing & Customer Success for B2B SaaS companies. A former manager at Radian6 (acquired by Salesforce) and executive at two other startups, Greg is a sought-after speaker and advisor specializing in digital marketing and