Center For International Development

Interview: Gangs, Guns, Drugs, and Development in Latin America



CID has launched its new Security and Development Seminar Series and over the 2016-2017 academic year, it will host four high-level discussions exploring the intersections between security, growth, and development in Latin America. CID Student Ambassador Gustavo Payan-Luna interviews the speakers from the 2nd session, which explored how trafficking in illicit drugs, weapons, and persons by transnational criminal organizations impedes development in many Latin American countries, with a focus on Colombia. Speakers: •Daniel Mejia, Secretary of Security of Bogota, Colombia •Steven Dudley, Co-director, InSight Crime, Wilson Center •João M P De Mello, Lemann Visiting Scholar at the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies The interview took place on December 1st, 2016. More information about the event and the speakers can be found at:…minar-series