Center For International Development

Better Growth & Better Climate: The New Climate Economy



The New Climate Economy’s (NCE) recently released their 2018 Report on Unlocking the Inclusive Growth Story of the 21st Century: Accelerating Climate Action in Urgent Times. The key findings of the report focus on five key economic sectors: Energy, Cities, Food and Land Use, Water, and Industry, as well as the cross-cutting issues of Finance and Just Transition. The report also highlights some examples of the low carbon transition taking root, as well as the economic and social benefits being reaped as a result. How can we work toward a sustainable development model that promotes economic growth and environmental change? Leonardo Garrido, Lead Economist at the New Climate Economy explains how countries can work towards better growth and better climate. Today on CID’s Speaker Series podcast, Nawal Qutub, graduate student at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, interviews Leonardo Garrido, who provides further insight on the work of the New Climate Economy. He also discusses their work on a Low Carbon D