
27. þáttur Hlaðvarpið á jons.is Jón Heiðar Þorsteinsson



Jón Heiðar Þorsteinsson markaðsstjóri Iceland Travel. Ég ræddi við Jón um starf markaðsstjórans almennt, áherslur Iceland Travel í sýnu markaðsstarfi ásamt því að fara aðeins yfir starfsemi þeirra og sögu. Á vefsíðu Iceland Travel segir um fyrirtækið Since 1937 Iceland Travel has been the leading travel company, tour operator and destination management company (DMC) in Iceland, offering top-quality services. We take great pride in our diverse product categories that suit world-wide agents, such as escorted tours, daytours and self-drive tours. Our active product development is built on cooperation with our licensed suppliers, on feedback from clients and guests and on ever-changing new trends. Our dedicated, hand-picked team are passionate about what they do and are constantly coming up with innovative ideas to tackle small and large scale projects. We have the expertise and flexibility to service high-volume clients. In addition, we appreciate that the success of our long running existence is based on ou