Littoral Space

Fluvial Tones: Cork is the Lee Supplemental



Fluvial Tones is a creative response to my work on the River Lee that blends field recordings with short excerpts from interviews to indicate how the natural, social, and cultural all flow together. The pieces collated from the Cork is the Lee podcast directly present the soundscape without commentary to let the river and voices speak for themselves highlighting the river’s agency and complex role for the people and region. Rivers are natural systems that have enabled human life and habitation for millenia, as a result they are subjected to all types of uses and interferences. Despite being forded, bridged, dammed, and channelled the river Lee continues to flow adding to the richness of Cork. It is a meeting place for the natural and the human, and the accompanying questions that occur at these confluences. Fluvial Tones derives from Cork is the Lee, a component of Littoral Space podcast created by Dr Richard Scriven, which received funding from Cork City Council's Local Heritage Grant 2019. It feature