Zen Virtual Assistants Finder Podcast: Virtual Assistants | Outsourcing | Lifestyle Design | Business

ZVAF 039: Neil Patel – Founder of CrazyEgg & QuickSprout



Yep, he’s kinda a big deal.  Its Neil Patel! Founder of many awesome companies such as CrazyEgg & QuickSprout & KISSmetrics.  He’s the man with the plan when it comes to growing traffic, and more importantly, growing Revenue from that traffic.  Join Neil as he shares tips on Traffic Generation, Boosting Revenues, using ‘Heat Maps’ to track website clicks, and how best to work with Virtual Staff. Show Notes: Twitter @neilpatel http://www.crazyegg.com/ http://www.quicksprout.com/ http://neilpatel.com Recommended Tech Tools: Slack - http://slacksocial.com/?ref=26359