Spinning Logic

EP072: Joshua Coombes



Joshua Coombes is #Doingsomethingfornothing by giving free haircuts to the homeless in hopes of making a difference. His mindset is that if everybody, in every city did one thing for nothing each week, we could change the world! In this podcast we debunk the stereotypes of the homeless and discuss how small acts of kindness can quickly change the world. Guest: Connect with Joshua Coombes by following him on Instagram @JoshuaCoombes and @dosomethingfornothing, as well as interacting with him on Facebook. If you are in London, be sure to search for Do Something For Nothing Meetups at Meetup.com and don't miss out on the one going down on July 9th at 11 AM.  Show Notes: Instagram - @Joshua Coombes Power Posing Punk Rock Mashable - Man with a Mirror Instagram - @dosomethingfornothing