Circulation: Arrhythmia And Electrophysiology On The Beat

Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology October 2019 Issue



Dr Paul Wang:                   Welcome to the monthly podcast, On the Beat for Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology. I'm Dr Paul Wang, editor in chief, with some of the key highlights from this month's issue.                                                 In our first paper, in a single‐center observational cohort study, Owen Donnellan and Associates compared arrhythmia recurrence rates in morbidly obese patients who underwent prior bariatric surgery, with those of non-obese patients following atrial fibrillation ablation. In addition to morbidly obese patients who did not undergo bariatric surgery, they matched 51 morbidly obese patients' body mass index, 40 kilograms per meter squared, who had undergone prior bariatric surgery in a two to one manner with 102 non-obese patients, and 102 morbidly obese patients without bariatric surgery on the basis of age, gender, and timing of atrial fibrillation ablation. From the time of bariatric surgery to ablation, bariatric surgery was associated with a si