Dharma Talk With Henry Winslow

DT 056: Get Real(ized) with Marcus Antebi



Marcus Antebi is a native New Yorker who founded Juice Press in the East Village of New York in 2010. Prior to Juice Press, he founded a skydiving equipment and training business called PIER Media. Marcus fought competitive Thai boxing for several years, and today at age 50, he considers himself to be an obsessive yoga athlete. He is currently building a yoga school, slated for a 2019 opening in New York. In this episode, you'll hear from Marcus on: Upholding yogic values in one's life, while playing by the rules of modern-day society The difference between being "fully realized" and "self realized" and the role of the teacher in guiding people to the latter What's missing from most yoga businesses, and Marcus's vision for a new, commercially viable school that embodies holistic and compassionate yoga Announcements: Join me for a weekend in Bucerias, Mexico with Veronica Lombo: henrywins.com/events Apply for the 300-hour YTT at Lighthouse Yoga School. Use code HENRYWINS for $100 OFF your tuition: henrywins