Dharma Talk With Henry Winslow

DT 061: Destroy the Hierarchy with David Kyle



David Kyle is owner of Ashtanga Yoga Puerto Rico and founder of the Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga which honors the traditional practice of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and embraces the revolutionary philosophy of Larry Schultz. Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga was established in 2004 to promote an Ashtanga based practice that holds no dogmas or bias towards the asana practice. David's teachings brings a sense of ease into the subtle teachings of yoga and the experience of finding perfection no matter where we are. In this episode, you'll hear from David on: Larry Schultz, the Grateful Dead, and the story of the birth and blast off of The Rocket A fourth prong above and beyond Ashtanga's Tristhana (breath, gaze, and body) that has become signature of The Rocket The difference between a Parsva Koundinyasana and a Baby Freeze, and how practicing familiar movements within a yoga context for David yielded unfamiliar results Leveraging creative rebelliousness to create accessible freedom for all students to practice,