Bridges To Leadership

Raising the Bar - One Way Men Can Stand Up for Women



Words matter. What are men supposed to do when inappropriate language about women occurs?  Obviously we should stand up and speak out against it.  But that doesn't always happen.  I discuss in this podcast a strategy for emerging male adults to combat this kind of dialogue that is degrading to women, dialogue that is too often exchanged and accepted in male environments and culture.  This is an leadership issue and a serious conversation that more men have to have. Over the years I have worked with many male college students who don't have the tools and strategies to stand up for women in these situations.  When you break it down into 3 actions it gives a path to what we all shift male culture.  I discuss a quick strategy for these situations... 1) Leave 2) Change the subject 3) Speak out This podcast is for all men and anyone who wants to help men to no longer become what Jackson Katz calls the "bystander".  Check out his TED talk here, its well worth the 17 minutes! This is a very complex subject