Mac Os Ken

Mac OS Ken: 06.15.2010



​USITC to Investigate Apple Based on HTC Patent Infringement Claims / Apple Loosens Up Slightly on Translated Code for iOS Apps / Apple Updates Mac mini / Best Buy Begins Pre-Orders for iPhone 4 in US Today / Edible Apple Confirms iPhone Trade Ins for The Shack / Apple Insider Says White iPhone 4s Appear to Be Starting in Short Supply / Vodafone Announces Pricing for iPhone in UK / Virgin Mobile Seems to Want iPhone for UK / Analyst Says New Users May Fear iPhone Data Usage Without Unlimited Data Option / Quantcast Says Android Gains on iOS in Mobile Web Though the Gap is Still Huge / Pandora Starts iAd-Type Ads of Its Own in Pandora for iPad / Apple Seeds Eighth Build of Snow Leopard Update to Developers / Brother of Foxconn Founder Plans 100 Apple Resellers for Greater China / WWDC Mugging Victim Reportedly Gets Replacement iPad and Note from Steve Jobs / Look for the latest Mac OS Ken Live on UStream