Mac Os Ken

Mac OS Ken: 07.14.2010



Three PR/Communications Wonks on Apple and its Woes / Bernstein Analyst Sacconaghi Expresses Concern Over Apple PR Issues / SAI Says It May Be Time for an Open Letter from Steve Jobs / GigaOm Says Free Bumpers for All (And Why Did Apple Make Bumpers to Begin With) / Kaufman Brothers Stands By Apple Buy Rating and 349-Dollar Price Target / Apple (Still) Plans 25 More Stores in China by End of 2011 / Microsoft Plans MobileMe Type Services for Windows Phone 7 / Microsoft Seeks iPad Owners for iPad Use Study / What is Scott Forstall doing on Twitter / Audible Launches Native iOS4 App for iPhone and ipod Touch / Greenpeace Bashes Dell for Not Being More Like Apple / Mac OS Ken Live Tonight at 10PM EDT/7PM PDT on Ustream-tv