Mac Os Ken

Mac OS Ken: 07.30.2010



Softbank CEO Praises iPhone and iPad on Latest Quarterly Earnings Call / Telstra Gives iPhone 4 High Marks - Especially with a Bumper or Case / Norwegian Newspaper Praises iPhone 4 and Harshes on A T and T Over Antenna Issues / A T and T Ranked Second in Wireless Customer Service / Lookout Says Data Stealing Android Wallpaper App Not Quite as Scary as Reported / Lookout Says More Free Apps In Apple’s App Store Invade Privacy Than Free Apps in Android Marketplace / Ballmer versus Analysts on Microsoft versus iPad / Nintendo Reports First Loss in Two Years / FCC Site Shows 3G-Enabled Case for iPod touch with Sprint Branding / Amazon Updates Kindle App for iThings / Apple Looks for Truly Amazing Person to Do Truly Amazing Things with Mac OS X / Japan Demands Answers from Apple Over 5-year-old Overheating iPod nanos / iFixit Breaks a Magic Trackpad