Mac Os Ken

Mac OS Ken: 08.13.2010



Gartner Says Android Overtakes iPhone and BlackBerry in the US / Munster Says US iPhone 4 Supply Improving but Still Sparse / Google Intros Strengthened Voice Search and Chrome-to-Phone for Android / Early Advertiser and App Reviews Look Good for iAds / Bernstein Research Wants Apple to Share Its Billions in Cash with Investors / HP Confirms Windows 7 and webOS Slates / Reg Hardware Says RIM to Debut BlackPad in November / Japan Cool with Apple After Addressing First-Gen iPod Issues / Apple Releases Brightness Fix for Recent 21.5-inch iMacs / Apple Sued for Patent Infringement in iThings / Adobe Update Photoshop iOS App with New Name and iPad Support / Engadget Says Apple Rechargeable Batteries Look to be Sanyo Eneloops in an Apple Wrapper