Mac Os Ken

Mac OS Ken: 08.18.2010



Rumor has China Unicom Securing Deals to Sell iPhone 4 and iPad / More Asian Suppliers Talk Comedia del Kickback / Macworld UK Focuses on Alleged Roll of Pegatron Manager in Comedia del Kickback / Morgan Stanley Analyst Thinks iPads May Be Cannibalizing Macs / Needham and Company Analyst Says Apple iBookstore May Have Helped Amazon Kindle Business Model / Barnes and Noble Makes Nook App for iPhone and Updates iPad App / 7-Inch iPad Rumor Returns / Apple Ships Snow Leopard Graphics Update Aimed at Games / Midday Tuesday and Things Look Awful for BlackBerry Torch 9800 / End of Day Tuesday and Things Look a Bit Better for BlackBerry Torch 9800 / Microsoft Focuses on Games for Windows Phone 7 / World of Apple Looks at the Overheating iPad Class Action Suit / PA School Will Not Face Federal Charges in MacBook Spying Case / A Number of Pink Floyd Albums Disappear from Online Stores / Mac OS Ken: Live Goes Live Every Wednesday night at 10PM Eastern/7PM Pacific on