Mac Os Ken

Mac OS Ken: 09.14.2010



Apple Relaxes Restriction on Developer Tools for iOS Apps / Adobe Addresses the New Apple iOS App Rules / WiFi iPad to Officially Hit China This Friday / Samsung DRAM Division Expects DRAM Price Drop Due to Tablets / UBS Analyst Sees iPad Hitting Netbook and Notebook Sales / Samsung Galaxy Tab Could See NYC Debut This Week / Google Says Most Current Android OS Not Made for Tablets / Gartner Sees Tougher Times Ahead for Research in Motion / IDC Sees Android Not iPhone Beating the BlackBerry / Goldman Sachs Reiterates Sell Rating on Research in Motion / Nokia Replacing CEO with Head of Microsoft Business Division / Head of Nokia Smartphones Also on the Way Out / UBS Analyst Sees 4.5-Million iPhones Activated by A T and T This Quarter / Apple to End Most iPhone 4 Case Giveaways on September 30 / Consumer Reports Reiterates Non-Recommendation of iPhone 4 in Wake of End of Free Case Giveaway / KT Starts iPhone 4 Sales with About 290-Thousand Too Few Units / Report Has Apple Ditching Infineon for Qualcomm in Next B