Gunblog Varietycast Radio

EP159 GunBlog VarietyCast - We Agree With Nancy Pelosi. Yes, We're As Surprised As You Are.



EP159 GunBlog VarietyCast - We Agree With Nancy Pelosi. Yes, We're As Surprised As You Are. Pacifiers & Peacemakers - Connecticut makes it difficult for gun owners Felons Behaving Badly - Wilson man admits to bank robbery killings Flea Market - The importance of knowing Medical History Main Topic - Enjoy Your Protests – It’s Going To Get Awkward Soon Blue Collar Prepping - Flood Preps This Week in Anti-Gun Nuttery - The Lies of Bloomberg lackey Mark Glaze Plug of the Week - Tides of History Podcast Take Our Survey -   Pacifiers & Peacemakers - Connecticut makes it difficult for gun owners   Felons Behaving Badly - Wilson man admits to bank robbery killings FBI: Wilson man admits to bank robbery killings, says he ‘was desperate’ - Suspect -