Spanish Practices

Day 31 - "Custard" The Spanish Lockdown



Today Custard and Daleks Day Thirty one of the Spanish Lockdown, the sometimes amusing, diary of a Brit in southern Spain under the 'Alarma' - normal life has stopped.   To find out more: Day 31 – Custard and Daleks It is Day 31 of our Spanish Lockdown; I am starting to get quite blurry eyed.  All day peering into the new computer that arrived yesterday from China, has made me quite myopic.   The first thing we did when it arrived is to wipe the whole thing down with alcohol, starting with the box it came in.  I have to hand it to Apple their logistics are to be admired.  The machine started in China moved the Chinese Export Zone and then flew to South Korea where it went on to Germany, from Germany to Portugal and from Portugal to Spain, it took more than two weeks.   It does prove that many businesses are quite capable of operating within lockdown.  The delivery driver left the parcel on the step and sat in his cab; I received an email to confirm delivery.   Chris gets his co