Spanish Practices

Day 40 "Monkees and Post"



Today Monkees and Post Day Forty of the Spanish Lockdown, the sometimes amusing, diary of a Brit in southern Spain under the 'Alarma' - normal life has stopped.   To find out more: Day 40 Monkees and Post   It is day 40 of our Spanish Lockdown and if I was Noah in the Bible the floods would have gone, and I would be getting off my Ark by now.   Today thin beardy boy, from the local courier delivered our spare microphone, as the other two have succumbed to the heat and humidity. At first, he gave me a large box full of wine, but that was for the house down the road, then he gave me the plastic package the microphone had arrived in.   I undid the plastic, threw it away and washed my hands.  The box the microphone was damaged at the side, if only the company I bought it from had packed it a bit better.  You suddenly get that sinking feeling that things are going to get complicated.  But plugging the thing in, it seems to work ok.    I have a love hate relationship with microphones