Spanish Practices

Day 43 - "Parker and Lady Penelope"



Day forty three, Parker and Lady Penelope. Life behind the police lines in Lockdown Spain for a British couple and their three good legs cat.   Find out more at: Day 43   It is day 43 of our Spanish Lockdown and I was woken today by the noise of the traffic below us going to work.  Which I guess is a good sign.  So far only construction and manufacturing companies have been allowed back to work.   The kids can go out to exercise and yesterday we witnessed scenes similar to the British parks, with families chatting away and kids playing with each other.  It seems it is quite hard to explain social distancing to a three-year-old.   We should be allowed out from Saturday the 2nd of May for short exercise walks etc.  It will be interesting to see how that goes.  The local main town has already frozen rent on the pavement café’s all around Motril, the Mayor, Louisa, is planning to allow restaurants to open for pre-booked take-aways. This will stop crowding and hopefully give some muc