Jimmy Petruzzi

94.4 FM Salford city radio Jimmy Petruzzi interviews Peter Kinderman, Professor of Clinical Psychology



Part 1 of 2 part interview, 94.4 FM Salford city radio interview with Peter Kinderman, Professor of Clinical Psychology the full interview is also available to listen to on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFWqdgf8Hms   In case you missed it or would like to tune in again in this episode Jimmy Petruzzi interviews, Peter Kinderman, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Liverpool, 94.4FM Salford City Radio Friday sports show, (with the launch of a brand new segment speaking to some of the world’s most influential professionals in the field of psychology,) in this episode Jimmy Petruzzi interviews, Peter Kinderman, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Liverpool, former President of the British Psychological Society, and author of ‘A Manifesto for Mental Health’, argues for radical change in how we think about mental health. In this interview Professor Kinderman, discusses how we are being harmed by our current pathologizing, bio-medical, approach and that we need wholesa