Jimmy Petruzzi

94.4FM Salford City Radio Friday interviews Gem O’Reilly is a talented country-pop singer-songwriter



94.4FM Salford City Radio Friday sports show with Jimmy Petruzzi interviews Gem O’Reilly is a talented country-pop singer-songwriter from the United Kingdom.. In Case you missed it or would like to tune in to this fascinating interview again, Click on the link to tune in Or the following link 94.4FM Salford City Radio Friday sports show Bringing you all the latest news from around the local area and around the world: Making a difference through sport We also feature segment speaking to some of the world’s most influential professionals in the field of psychology and related field "Gem O’Reilly’s latest album Fire is the fourth of her original releases and was written while shielding in lockdown. The album reflects on a break up, a pandemic, a lockdown, a move, but most importantly it is an inspirational set of original songs based around keeping your ‘fire’, your spark, even when life throws many obstacles in your way. The album contains tracks like Silent Suffering and Four Walls which reflects on the way th