Spanish Practices

Day 70 - "Tourist Trap!"



Day 70 of Lockdown, and Spain will be open for tourists in July says Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez today.  What will it mean, and what is it like for tourists here along the Granada coast? The daily dairy Podcast of a British couple and their three good legs cat, living on the Costa Tropical. Find out more here: Day 70 "Tourist Trap!" Sunday comes with a breeze and more Mediterranean sunshine; the Spanish Prime Minister Uncle Pedro has announced today that he is going to start allowing tourism to return to Spain.   That is very good news for businesses all over Spain, less good news if you think that the tourists will come, create another wave of virus, then leave to their own more liberal countries whilst we face yet another lockdown in the Autumn.   Off this morning to water the plants at Petra’s and Justin’s big house on the corner.  Despite the great care that Pepe the Palm took in cutting down the fronds from the palm tree, some debris has got into the pool.  I had a go at f